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Better Testing Needed to Combat AMR: WHO’s Response to Multi-Drug Resistant Gonorrhea

In July of last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) raised warnings about the increasing prevalence of multi-drug resistant gonorrhea in a number of countries in Asia and Europe, as well as in Canada. According to the WHO, low coverage

Posted in Clinical Microbiology

Record High Enrollment in LQM and AST Courses

POLQM’s 2024 Laboratory Quality Management (LQM) and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) courses have officially begun! We are pleased to announce that we have record high attendance this year, and hope all our participants will learn from and enjoy these courses.

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Results of Our ISO 15189:2022 Short Course

The results are in! Almost a year after launching our ISO 15189:2022 short course, all participants who responded to our survey say they found it helpful. Participants have said the course is “enlightening”, and that they appreciate the simplified presentation

Posted in Continuing Education

EQA, AMR, and Local Manufacturing: Takeaways from ASLM

In December, the African Society for Laboratory Medicine Conference was held in Cape Town, South Africa. For this, the sixth ASLM conference, the overarching theme was “Shaping laboratory systems and diagnostics services for the 21st Century: embracing the change.” CMPT

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Ensuring Diagnostic Testing Accuracy: COVID-19 and Point of Care Testing

It’s tempting to think of EQA providers as simply another step on the path to accreditation: a mandatory stop on the road to the real work of providing quality testing for patients, clinicians, governments, and customers. However, as guardians of

Posted in Clinical Microbiology

Happy Holidays from CMPT!

Another year of proficiency testing, courses, and quality improvement in the books! Thank you to everyone who has worked with us this year, whether you subscribed to our PT programs, took our courses, served on our committees, or read our

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Name Change: To Change or Not to Change

A recent mycology Proficiency Testing survey targeted the yeast Candida or now called Clavispora lusitaniae. Approximately 30% of the participants reported the yeast with its current name: Clavispora +/- (Candida) lusitaniae while the other 70% or laboratories reported it as

Posted in Clinical Microbiology

Notes from EQALM 2023

EQALM’s Annual Symposium took place in Lyon, France this year, and CMPT Chair Dr. Lucy Perrone was in attendance. During the two-day conference, Dr. Perrone presented CMPT research and took part in the working group on microbiology, as did former

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Another Year of Our Professional Development Course

Another successful year in our Professional Development course. Each year, many laboratory technologists join our PD course to learn and expand their microbiology knowledge. The course offers the participants the chance to review microbiology challenges and learn practical issues on

Posted in Continuing Education

Welcome New Technical Committee Members

CMPT welcomes three new Technical Committee members. Anu Rebbapragada D(ABMM) FCCM – CMPT Clinical bacteriology and Enteric parasitology technical committees Anu is currently the Vice President of Diagnostic Services and the laboratory director at FH Health where she oversights ongoing

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