ISSN 1496-3876 Spring 2021 Volume 25 Issue 1
Performance during the Pandemic
The last year has been an ordeal for many around the world. Taking aside the risks, and unfortunate threats to human health, organizations, institutions and businesses have been impacted, all too frequently negatively.
Towards determining if CMPT’s customers were impacted during the last year, a survey was sent in February 2021.
Shipping delayed again!!!???
This last year has been a very challenging one for us, and I have no doubt for all of our clients as well. From getting the denomination of essential service so all our employees could come to work and prepare samples, and perform all activities related to our programs, to try to keep ourselves as healthy as possible as any casualty in this state of affairs would have meant a disruption of services, everything required impeccable management and coordination.
I would have never imagined that I would check my son’s daycare family activity pack and wandered “How on earth did they get hold of aspirating pipettes? We have them back ordered for months!!!”