In 2014, CMPT proposed a program where laboratorians could receive continuing education credits for reading the critiques in our Clinical Bacteriology, Mycology, and Enteric Parasitology programs and answering an on-line quiz. The program was trialed during 2015 with about 50 people participating. A post program survey indicated a very positive response rating the program as Excellent or Very Good and both Educational and Informative.
Following the survey a decision was made to open the Professional Development Course in 2016. During the first year, the course had 156 registered participants. 98/156 completed at least one quiz. 52 participants completed at least one category (Clinical Bacteriology, Mycology, or Enteric Parasitology) obtaining a certificate for it.
In 2017, CMPT decided to open the registration to Microbiology residents and other individuals that might be interested which included 5 Microbiology residents, and one participant from Belgium.
In addition, we were reached by Dr. Makeda Semret from McGill University in Montreal, QC. Dr. Semret was involved in a capacity building project in Ethiopia and saw our course as a potential benefit for continuing education for laboratory technologists. The course was slightly modified to fit the needs of these participants: every week, a new small quiz would be released followed by a general quiz at the end of each module. 5 participants from Ethiopia took advantage of this opportunity with 4 of them obtaining certificates of completion.
This year we have 161 registered participants. 71 completed at least one category obtaining a certificate for it.
We considered the CMPT Professional Development Course an early success.