ISSN 1496-3876 Fall 2021 Volume 25 Issue 3
Comparison of three Covid-19 RAD kits using PT samples
Three Health Canada approved rapid antigen detection (RAD) commercial kits were tested against Covid-19 proficiency testing samples to compare their performance.
Kits were tested against different dilutions of the reference material and after the sample had been incubated under different temperatures for 7 days.
COVID-19 EQA Satisfaction Survey
In February 2021, CMPT set off on a new program, to provide proficiency testing (EQA) for units providing rapid testing for COVID-19. This was something novel for CMPT and others on many accounts.
Welcome Janet Reid
CMPT welcomes Janet Reid to its Clinical Microbiology Expert Committee.
Janet has over 30 years of experience as a medical laboratory technologist in Microbiology. Have taken extensive continuing education in clinical microbiology, quality management, and leadership training. She is currently working as a manager in the microbiology laboratory of the Horizon Health Network, of the Saint John Area.