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CMPT Professional Development Course Updates

The 2019 Professional Development course saw 136 registered students this year and 79 participants (58%) received a certificate of completion. The 2020 course will start in January 2020 and will have a slightly different format as our main course administrator

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PA1910 – Final Results

Final results for survey PA1910 are available now.
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M192 Final Results

The final results for Clinical Bacteriology Survey M192 are now available. Please visit:
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2019 POLQM Quality Conference

On November 24-26, 2019 our sister program POLQM is bringing a Quality Conference in Vancouver BC Canada to look broadly at the theme of Meeting the Needs. The conference will be an ideal forum for people interested in Quality in the
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CMPT’s Informatics Survey Results

In 2015 -CMPT surveyed participant attitudes towards our online informatics presence.  Unfortunately, there were a number of concerns highlighted with respect to its functionality and friendliness.  CMPT committed to revise the site An opportunity arose in 2018 when our data
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Connections Summer 2019

VOLUME 23    NUMBER 2         SUMMER - 2019            ISSN 1496-3876 CMPT Informatics Survey In 2018 CMPT updated its online entering and accessing results with the intention to make the process more user friendly and with the
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Case History M192 and VC192 questionnaire

The case histories for M192 samples are available in pdf file HERE The questionnaire for VC192 is available in pdf file HERE

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Final results Mycology Survey MY1908

The final results for the Mycology Survey MY1908 are now available. Check EQA Results / Mycology Results
Posted in MYNews, News

International EQA Training – Part 2

In 1996 (now 23 years ago!) CMPT received a request from the Thailand Department of Medical Science to assist in the development of a proficiency testing program for drinking water testing laboratories.  At that time, two officials from Bangkok visited
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Keeping up with the Taxonomy

The introduction of genome sequencing and other molecular techniques has been increasingly used to determine phylogenetic relatedness of microorganisms. This has led to an explosion of novel microbial taxonomy. Prior classification criteria such as phenotypic characteristics have demonstrated to be
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