This year, we had our Annual General Meeting at the beautiful Alumni Centre at the UBC campus.
We were glad to see many of our faithful committee members and we took the opportunity to thank them personally.
We have had a very productive year, with the certification for ISO9001:2015 and we completed our audit for compliance to the international standard ISO/IEC 17043:2010.
We have improved our Trichomonas program and we are now our samples can be used by laboratories that perform antigen and/ or DNA testing.
Our Molecular and Screening programs continue to grow as well as our Water microbiology programs.
We are very excited to have more international visibility and we will start providing samples to EQA programs in different countries.
Our Professional Development course was also very successful (you can read more about it in another article in this newsletter), with 5 participants from Ethiopia, and the participation of Microbiology residents.
We had the opportunity to personally thank Ms. Tara Bonham for all the years she collaborated with us as part of our Enteric Parasitology Expert Committee member. Tara has been an invaluable resource and help and she supported the program with her knowledge, support, expertise and any sample she can find for us to increase our Parasitology inventory!
We are sad to see her go, but we wish her the best on her new endeavors.
Esther Kwok, the program coordinator, updated us on CMPT’s finances, new programs and partners; Caleb Lee talked about the stability and quality of CMPT samples and how he has been working to make sure CMPT offers PT samples that are reliable and homogeneous for the performing of PT challenges.
Veronica Restelli presented a summary of activities related to our newsletter Connections, the Professional Development course and a brief presentation on tools to test the extra analytical phase of the total laboratory testing process.
Dr. Noble talked about our achievements during the year and the continuing presence of CMPT in the international sphere, that continue to increase CMPT’s profile as a PT provider and Quality adviser.
It has been a very productive year and 2018 looks very exciting.
We want to thank all those who continually give of their time and expertise to help CMPT to be a Quality pillar in the laboratory medicine and beyond.
For a complete review of the 2016-2017 year, please read our Annual Report.