Category Archive: News

New CMPT Committee members!

We would like to welcome Dr. Ghada Al-Rawahi as our newest member of the Clinical Bacteriology expert committee. Dr Al-Rawahi is a Medical Microbiologist with the BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver BC. We are excited to add the pediatric perspective
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Annual Report 2015-2016

CMPT’s Annual Report 2015-2016 has been released. For a full copy of the report (PDF) please go to Check our 2016-2016 Goals and objectives!

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Newsletter Connections: Summer issue

The Summer Issue of our Newsletter “Connections” is available In this issue: Resistance in the glycopeptide antimicrobial class, by Dr. Robert Rennie Mechanisms of bacterial resistance to amynoglycosides, by Ms. Lorraine Campbell HPTA – Biological safety officers. Go to Newsletter

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Changes on Grading of Reporting Errors

Identifier Errors The use of incorrect identifiers to report results will not affect the grade of the different challenge components. However, a reporting error point will be given for each challenge/challenge component reported using the incorrect identifier. These points can

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CMPT Annual General Meeting – Open House

CMPT will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday October 4, 2016 (9am – 4pm) at the Holiday Inn Vancouver Centre. The topics on discussion at the AGM include CMPT activities over the last year, how we and laboratories

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Professional Development course – Updates

We are getting close to the end of our 2015-2016 PD Course! There is time until the end of September to complete all quizzes. Please remember that certificates of completion will be given only to those participants that complete all

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2016 – 2017 Professional Development Course

Registration for the 2016- 2017 CMPT’s Professional Development Course is now open. For the 2016 -2017 course CMPT is able to extend the registration to non-CMPT participants. Visit the course’s Registration Page for more details There is still time for

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Welcome to CMPT’s new website

We have re-developed our website for better navigation and functionality. We hope you find it easier to use. If you don’t find what you are looking for please don’t hesitate to contact us, we would be happy to help you

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PD Course: Enteric Parasitology Module 2 released

The Enteric Parasitology Module 2 (Survey PA1604) of CMPT’s Professional Development course has been released. You can access it here There is still time until the end of September 2016 to compete al quizzes.

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Welcome Xiuli (Julie) Qi, to CMPT

Xiuli Qi graduated with a M.Sc. in Administration from HEC Montreal in 2007 and then joined the Canadian Red Cross in Ottawa as Procurement & Logistics Officer for the International Operations. She also has professional experience in the public sector,

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