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International EQA Training – Part 2

In 1996 (now 23 years ago!) CMPT received a request from the Thailand Department of Medical Science to assist in the development of a proficiency testing program for drinking water testing laboratories.  At that time, two officials from Bangkok visited
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Keeping up with the Taxonomy

The introduction of genome sequencing and other molecular techniques has been increasingly used to determine phylogenetic relatedness of microorganisms. This has led to an explosion of novel microbial taxonomy. Prior classification criteria such as phenotypic characteristics have demonstrated to be
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Connections Spring 2019

VOLUME 23    NUMBER 1         SPRING - 2019            ISSN 1496-3876 INTERNATIONAL EQA TRAINING - PART 2 Our most recent training (April 2019) was in the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) in Addis Ababa. Dr.
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Data Entry System Tutorials

Our new Data Entry System is in full use now; all programs have changed to reporting with the new member’s portal. Video tutorials are available on general reporting and Clinical Bacteriology reporting. Check them out at: Remember to login

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