Water Microbiology

External Quality Assessment for Water Microbiology Laboratories

This program offers samples for proficiency testing of laboratories involved in the microbiology testing of Drinking and Recreational waters. 


Drinking Water

for laboratories testing drinking water for the presence of fecal coliforms.

HPC Water

for laboratories performing detection of heterotrophic count (HPC) of organisms in drinking water samples.

Recreational Water

for laboratories testing recreational (beach and pool) waters for the presence of potential pathogens.

Sediment Water

for laboratories testing marine beach sediment for the presence of Enterococcus species.

Challenges are directed towards detection, enumeration and identification of water safety indicator organisms.

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Drinking and HPC Water: Three shipments per year: April, July, and October.

Recreational Water: two shipments per year: April and August

Sediment Water: two shipments per year: April and October

Shipping schedule

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Drinking Water: 4 samples for processing per shipment.

HPC Water: 4 samples for processing per shipment.

Recreational Water: 3 samples for processing per shipment.

Sediment Water: 5 samples for processing per shipment.

Samples are simulated stabilized water that can be assessed by membrane filtration, MPN, or other assays.

Contact CMPT Coordinator Esther Kwok for more information about our EQA programs

cmpt.path@ubc.ca                          604-827-1754